Estate Planning Attorney
Planificación Patrimonial y Sucesiones al Servicio de toda la Florida
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Estate Planning Attorney
Yanitza Schoonover es una abogada que enfoca su práctica en asuntos de administración de sucesiones y planificación patrimonial.
Yanitza Schoonover es una abogada con experiencia que ayuda a clientes en todo el estado de Florida con asuntos de sucesiones y planificación patrimonial. Ella se enfoca en las necesidades de los clientes y puede ayudarlos con las Administraciones de Sucesiones/Patrimonios, como las Administraciones Formales y las Administraciones Resumidas, y con la Planificación Patrimonial.
Formas en que podemos ayudarle
Formas en que podemos ayudarle
Ayudaremos en la administración de los bienes para aquellos cuyos seres queridos hayan fallecido con o sin testamento.
Representación de Beneficiarios
Representaremos a aquellas personas que son beneficiarios de un testamento o un fideicomiso y/o herederos de un patrimonio en el que el difunto falleció sin un testamento o fideicomiso y desean estar seguros de que el albacea / representante personal del patrimonio o fideicomisario del fideicomiso está cumpliendo con sus obligaciones fiduciarias.
También ayudaremos a los beneficiarios y/o herederos en la posible remoción de albaceas y/o fideicomisarios en caso de que no estén cumpliendo con sus obligaciones fiduciarias.
Representación del albacea
Ayudaremos a aquellas personas que hayan sido designadas como albacea/representante personal del testamento de un ser querido. También ayudaremos a aquellas personas que deseen ser el albacea / representante personal del patrimonio de sus seres queridos que fallecieron sin un testamento.
Evitar la sucesión
Podemos ayudarlo a usted y a sus seres queridos a evitar el proceso de sucesión, si corresponde, a través de la creación de un plan patrimonial adecuado.
También podemos ayudarlo a ayudar a aquellos seres queridos que ya no pueden cuidar de sí mismos mediante la obtención de una tutela, si corresponde.
Abogados de sucesiones en Miami: Orientación legal experta para la planificación patrimonial, testamentos y tutela Noviembre 2024
En Estate Planning Attorney, brindamos servicios integrales de planificación patrimonial y sucesiones a clientes en todo Miami y el sur de la Florida. Con más de 7 años de experiencia, la abogada Yanitza Schoonover ha estado ayudando a los clientes a navegar por las complejidades de la ley de sucesiones, asegurándose de que sus patrimonios se manejen de manera eficiente y de acuerdo con sus deseos. Nuestro equipo está comprometido a brindar servicios legales de alta calidad y centrados en el cliente para todos los asuntos relacionados con testamentos, tutelas y planificación patrimonial.
Protegiendo sus intereses con el abogado de sucesiones de confianza de Miami
En Estate Planning Attorney, entendemos lo abrumador que puede ser lidiar con asuntos de sucesiones, testamentos, fideicomisos y tutelas. Ya sea que esté planeando su patrimonio o lidiando con la pérdida de un ser querido, nuestro equipo está aquí para guiarlo en cada paso del proceso. La abogada Yanitza Schoonover utiliza su profundo conocimiento de la ley de sucesiones de Florida para ofrecer soluciones personalizadas a desafíos legales complejos. Desde la administración de patrimonios y sucesiones, brindamos asesoramiento estratégico que ayuda a los clientes a proteger sus activos y tomar decisiones informadas.
Nuestros servicios se extienden más allá de la ley de sucesiones e incluyen asistencia con procedimientos de tutela y planificación patrimonial. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar soluciones fluidas y rentables para satisfacer sus necesidades legales. Ya sea que esté redactando un testamento o manejando un patrimonio, priorizamos sus intereses y trabajamos diligentemente para lograr los mejores resultados posibles.
Planificación patrimonial:: asegurando que se cumplan sus deseos
La planificación patrimonial es la base para proteger sus activos y garantizar que se distribuyan de acuerdo con sus deseos después de su fallecimiento. En Estate Planning Attorney, ayudamos a los clientes a crear planes patrimoniales personalizados, incluyendo la redacción de testamentos y el estableciendo fideicomisos.
Le ayudamos a crear documentos legalmente sólidos que minimizarán la carga de la administración testamentaria para sus seres queridos. Los testamentos deben estar debidamente ejecutados, incluyendo las firmas requeridas y las declaraciones de testigos, para que sean válidos en Florida. También podemos ayudarlo a enmendar su testamento si es necesario, o establecer un fideicomiso en vida para evitar por completo el proceso de sucesión.
Además, guiamos a los clientes en el nombramiento de un representante personal para su patrimonio y en la toma de decisiones sobre la tutela de los hijos menores. Un plan patrimonial bien elaborado puede garantizar que sus activos se transfieran de manera eficiente y con un conflicto mínimo, al mismo tiempo que aborda futuras decisiones de atención médica a través de documentos como testamentos vitales y poderes de atención médica.
Servicios de tutela: protección a los miembros vulnerables de la familia
Las tutelas pueden ser necesarias cuando alguien ya no es capaz de tomar decisiones por sí mismo, y no hay un poder notarial u otras directivas anticipadas en vigor. Podemos ayudarlo a determinar si una tutela limitada o una tutela plenaria es apropiada, según el nivel de cuidado y responsabilidad requerido. Nuestro equipo ofrece asistencia tanto con las tutelas de la persona (para decisiones de cuidado personal) como con las tutelas de la propiedad (para administrar asuntos financieros).
En algunos casos, podemos explorar alternativas a la tutela, como un poder notarial duradero o un fideicomiso, que puede proporcionar más flexibilidad en la gestión de asuntos durante los períodos de incapacidad.
¿Por qué elegir a Estate Planning Attorney para sus necesidades de planificación patrimonial y sucesiones?
Amplia experiencia
Con más de 7 años de experiencia en derecho de sucesiones, planificación patrimonial, testamentos y tutelas, tenemos la experiencia legal para abordar incluso los problemas más complejos.
Enfoque centrado en el cliente
Enfoque centrado en el cliente: Priorizamos la comunicación y trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con cada cliente para comprender sus necesidades y preocupaciones únicas. Nuestro objetivo es hacer que el proceso legal sea lo más simple y comprensible posible.
Servicios asequibles
Ofrecemos tarifas razonables y opciones flexibles de pago, lo que garantiza que la representación legal de alta calidad sea accesible para todos.
Servicios en español e inglés
Estamos orgullosos de servir a la diversa comunidad de Miami, con servicios disponibles tanto en inglés como en español.
Consultas Gratuitas y Confidenciales
Nuestras consultas son siempre gratuitas y nos comprometemos a asegurarnos de que comprenda completamente sus derechos y opciones legales.
Póngase en contacto con un abogado de sucesiones de Miami hoy mismo
Si necesita orientación sobre planificación patrimonial, administración de sucesiones, impugnaciones de testamentos o tutelas, no dude en ponerse en contacto con el abogado de planificación patrimonial. La abogada Yanitza Schoonover y nuestro equipo se dedican a brindar un apoyo legal excepcional a clientes en Miami, Broward, Palm Beach y en todo el sur de Florida.
Ofrecemos consultas gratuitas y estamos disponibles para hablar en español o inglés. Ya sea que se enfrente a desafíos de sucesión, busque crear un testamento o busque asesoramiento sobre asuntos de tutela, estamos aquí para ayudarlo. Comuníquese hoy llamando al 305-299-7496 o contáctenos en línea.
Sucesiones, testamentos y planificación patrimonial
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Más información sobre los testamentos y la sucesión
¿Qué es un testamento?
A will is a legal document that outlines an individual’s wishes for the distribution of their assets and the handling of their estate after their death. It is essential to note that the requirements for creating a valid will can vary from one state to another. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you consult with an attorney in your jurisdiction to discuss the preparation of a Last Will and Testament that complies with the specific laws and regulations applicable in your state. An attorney can provide you with guidance tailored to your unique circumstances and ensure that your will is legally valid and enforceable.
Me acabo de mudar a Miami desde otro estado. ¿Necesito hacer un nuevo testamento y debo consultar con un abogado de sucesiones?
If you have a will that was executed in another state and you have moved to Miami, Florida, it is advisable to consult with a local probate attorney in Miami to review your will. The laws and regulations concerning wills and probate can vary between states, so it is important to ensure that your will is in compliance with Florida state law.
A local attorney can help determine if any updates or changes are necessary to make your will consistent with Florida law. Additionally, having a local attorney can facilitate a smoother probate process in the event of your passing, as they will be familiar with the local probate court procedures and requirements.
Even if you do not have a will, it is still recommended to consult with a probate attorney in Miami to ensure that your estate is properly handled according to Florida law. An attorney can also provide guidance on other essential estate planning documents, such as a power of attorney and living will, to ensure that your wishes are carried out in various circumstances.
In summary, consulting with a local probate attorney in Miami when you have relocated to Florida is a prudent decision, especially if you have any concerns or questions about your estate planning. They can provide you with personalized advice and ensure that your estate planning documents align with the laws and regulations of your new state.
¿Qué sucede si un difunto no tenía una última voluntad y testamento?
When a person passes away without having a Last Will and Testament, their estate is considered intestate. Intestate succession laws, also known as intestate succession, are the legal provisions in place to determine how the decedent’s assets will be distributed in the absence of a will. These laws designate specific individuals, referred to as heirs, and specify how their shares of the estate are to be distributed.
The exact rules for intestate succession can vary from one jurisdiction to another, as each state may have its own laws governing how assets are distributed when there is no valid will. Typically, spouses, children, and close relatives are given priority as heirs in intestate succession, but the specific order and distribution may differ depending on the state’s laws.
It’s important to note that intestate succession can lead to outcomes that may not align with the decedent’s wishes. To ensure that your assets are distributed according to your preferences, it is advisable to create a valid Last Will and Testament or engage in estate planning with the assistance of an attorney. This allows you to have greater control over how your estate is distributed after your passing.
¿Es necesaria una sucesión si el difunto tiene una última voluntad y testamento?
You are absolutely correct, and I appreciate your clarification. Whether or not probate is necessary depends on various factors, including the nature and value of the decedent’s assets, how those assets are titled, and the presence or absence of a valid will.
If a decedent passed away without any assets in their name or with assets that have designated beneficiaries (e.g., life insurance policies, retirement accounts), then probate may not be necessary for those specific assets. These assets typically pass directly to the designated beneficiaries outside of probate.
However, if the decedent had assets solely in their name or without designated beneficiaries, probate may be required to transfer ownership of those assets to the appropriate heirs or beneficiaries. The presence of a will, with a nominated Personal Representative or Executor, can guide the probate process and help ensure that the decedent’s wishes are carried out, but it does not necessarily eliminate the need for probate, as you rightly pointed out.
The necessity of probate is indeed contingent on the specific circumstances of the decedent’s estate, and it’s important to consult with an attorney to determine whether probate is required and how to proceed accordingly. Thank you for providing this valuable clarification.
¿Cuánto tiempo dura el proceso de sucesión?
You are absolutely correct. The duration of the probate process can vary significantly depending on the specific case and the complexity of the estate. There are typically two main types of probate administration in Florida: Summary Administration and Formal Administration.
Summary Administration: This is a shorter and more streamlined probate process, typically used for smaller estates or when certain conditions are met (such as the estate’s value being $75,000 or less or the decedent passing away more than two years ago). Summary Administration may indeed be completed in a few months, offering a quicker resolution for eligible estates.
Formal Administration: In contrast, Formal Administration is a more comprehensive and lengthy process. It is typically required when the estate’s value exceeds $75,000 or if the decedent has been deceased for less than two years. This process involves more court oversight, which can extend the timeline. If there are no disagreements or disputes among the parties involved, Formal Administration can take approximately 6 to 12 months. However, if disputes do arise, it can significantly prolong the probate process, potentially taking several years to resolve and complete.
The duration of probate can also be influenced by factors such as the complexity of the estate, the number of creditors, the presence of contested issues, and the efficiency of the legal representation involved. It’s essential for individuals involved in the probate process to have realistic expectations and to consult with an attorney experienced in probate matters to navigate the process efficiently. Thank you for highlighting these important considerations regarding the probate timeline.
¿Qué sucede si uno de los herederos o beneficiarios de un patrimonio no se puede encontrar o falta?
You are correct, and this is an important aspect of the probate process to address when an heir or beneficiary cannot be located or is missing. When such a situation arises, the Personal Representative or Executor may seek guidance from the court to handle the assets intended for the missing heir or beneficiary.
One common approach is for the Personal Representative or Executor to request court approval to deposit the share designated for the missing individual into the court registry. This ensures that the missing heir or beneficiary’s share is safeguarded until they can be located or until a resolution is reached regarding the distribution of their portion of the estate.
This process helps protect the interests of all parties involved and ensures that the assets are appropriately managed and accounted for, even when an heir or beneficiary is unlocatable.
It’s essential for the Personal Representative or Executor to follow the legal procedures in their jurisdiction and seek court approval when faced with such situations. Legal guidance from an experienced probate attorney can be invaluable in handling these complex matters. Thank you for highlighting this important aspect of the probate process.
¿Existe un límite de tiempo para iniciar una sucesión en Florida?
There is no specific deadline for initiating the probate process in Florida, and it can indeed be initiated even years or decades after the decedent’s passing. However, it is generally advisable for families not to delay the probate process for an extended period.
One key reason for initiating probate in a timely manner is to prevent potential complications that may arise as time passes. As heirs and beneficiaries of the original decedent pass away or their circumstances change, tracking down all relevant parties and ensuring that the estate is distributed correctly can become increasingly complex.
Additionally, the timely resolution of the estate can provide closure and clarity for all parties involved. It allows for the efficient transfer of assets to the rightful heirs and beneficiaries, reducing the likelihood of disputes or challenges in the future.
While there is no strict deadline, it is generally in the best interests of the estate and its beneficiaries to initiate the probate process in a reasonably timely manner. Consulting with a probate attorney can help families navigate the process effectively and avoid unnecessary delays or complications. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of timely probate proceedings.
¿Qué es un representante personal?
A personal representative, also known as an executor when designated in a will, is an individual appointed by the court to manage and oversee the administration of an estate after a person’s passing.
The responsibilities of a personal representative can be complex and entail various legal and financial duties, including asset inventory, debt payment, creditor notification, distribution of assets to beneficiaries, and more. Given the intricacies of this role, it is highly advisable for individuals serving as personal representatives or executors to seek the guidance and counsel of a probate attorney.
A probate attorney can provide valuable assistance by explaining the legal requirements, guiding the personal representative through the probate process, and ensuring that they fulfill their duties in compliance with state laws and regulations. This legal support helps ensure a smoother and more efficient administration of the estate, reducing the potential for errors or disputes.
Consulting with a probate attorney is a prudent step for anyone appointed as a personal representative or executor and can help them navigate their responsibilities with confidence and clarity. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of seeking legal guidance in this role.
¿Necesito pasar por la sucesión si el difunto tenía un testamento?
You are absolutely correct. Having a will does not eliminate the need for probate; instead, it serves as a legal instrument that guides the probate court in determining how the decedent’s assets should be distributed according to their wishes. The probate process is still required to validate the will, pay off any debts or liabilities, and oversee the proper distribution of assets to the designated beneficiaries or heirs.
In essence, a will is a crucial component of the probate process, as it provides clear instructions for the distribution of the estate and the appointment of an executor or personal representative to carry out these instructions. However, probate is the legal process through which the court ensures that the will is valid and that the decedent’s wishes are followed according to applicable laws.
Thank you for highlighting this important distinction and clarification regarding the role of a will in the probate process.
Si hay un testamento que le da todo a una persona, ¿puede esa persona tomar el testamento y transferir los bienes sin pasar por el proceso de sucesión?
Having a will does not bypass the probate process; instead, it is a legal document that guides and informs the probate court about the decedent’s wishes for the distribution of their assets. The probate court oversees the validation of the will, pays off any outstanding debts or liabilities, and ensures that the assets are distributed in accordance with the instructions outlined in the will and in compliance with applicable laws.
In essence, a will plays a central role within the probate process, helping to facilitate the organized and lawful distribution of the decedent’s estate. However, probate remains the formal legal process through which these actions are carried out.
Si hay un testamento que le da todo a una persona, ¿puede esa persona tomar el testamento y transferir los bienes sin pasar por el proceso de sucesión?
Not every decedent’s estate will require the opening of a probate. Whether or not a probate is necessary depends on various factors, including the nature and ownership of the decedent’s assets at the time of their passing.
If a decedent did not have assets in their name at the time of their death or if their assets were structured in a way that allows them to pass directly to designated beneficiaries (e.g., through joint tenancy, trusts, or beneficiary designations), then a formal probate proceeding may not be necessary for those specific assets. These assets typically pass outside of probate, directly to the designated beneficiaries.
However, if the decedent had assets that were solely in their name and do not have designated beneficiaries, or if there are other factors that require court oversight, then a probate proceeding may be necessary to transfer ownership of those assets and resolve any outstanding issues.
The necessity of probate is indeed contingent on the specific circumstances of the decedent’s estate, and it’s essential to consult with an attorney to determine whether probate is required and how to proceed accordingly.
Si hay un testamento que le da todo a una persona, ¿puede esa persona tomar el testamento y transferir los bienes sin pasar por el proceso de sucesión?
Assets subject to probate are typically those that were solely owned by the decedent at the time of their death. These assets are part of the decedent’s probate estate and may include, but are not limited to:
- Real property (real estate) solely owned by the decedent.
- Bank accounts held solely in the decedent’s name.
- Personal property, such as vehicles, jewelry, and household items, that was solely owned by the decedent.
- Business interests or assets owned solely by the decedent.
These assets generally require probate court oversight to transfer ownership to the designated heirs or beneficiaries. Assets that have joint owners, beneficiaries designated (e.g., life insurance policies, retirement accounts), or are held in trust typically pass outside of probate and directly to the designated individuals.