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A Boca Raton Probate Lawyer You Can Trust:

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Yanitza Schoonover is an experienced Boca Raton probate lawyer who focuses her practice on summary administration, formal administration and estate planning matters.

When a loved one passes away, family members of the decedent try to put all of the decedent’s affairs in order, this process can become time consuming and confusing. Sometimes, the family members must go through the court and go through a process called probate. The probate process can be very emotional, time consuming and costly, which is why it is important to hire a Boca Raton probate attorney that can help and guide you through this process.

In Florida, there are primarily two types of administrations- Formal Administration and Summary Administration.  A Summary Administration may be appropriate if the total value of the decedent’s assets that are subject to probate are $75,000.00 or less, or if the deceased person passed away more than two years from the filing date.  However, just because the estate may be eligible for a summary administration it does not necessarily mean that it is the best choice.


A Formal Administration is typically needed when the assets of the deceased person are in excess of $75,000.00 and the person has been deceased for less than two years. There are many different factors that determine which estate would be best for that individual decedent’s estate. It is important to contact an attorney who is well versed in probate in Florida to help with the decision of which estate to open. The length of time to complete either one of these estates vary.

A Boca Raton probate lawyer prepares all of the necessary documents for either a summary administration or a formal administration. The probate attorney also guides the client through the process and manages the case to make sure all requirements are being met and helps with what can seem to be a complicated and overwhelming process.

Boca Raton Probate & Wills Attorney

Boca Raton is a city located in Southern Palm Beach County. As on 2020, the population in Boca Raton is 97,422. Boca Raton is known to be one of the wealthiest places in South Florida. The name Boca Raton translates to Rats Mouth or some call it Mouse Mouth. The climate in Boca Raton is a tropical rainforest climate which is hot and wet in the summers and warm and dry in the winters. Boca Raton has a wonderful history, as a city was the creation of architect Addison Mizner (many of the landmarks in Boca Raton are named after him). Prior to Addison Mizner, Boca Raton was an unincorporated farming town. Boca Raton also is the home to Gumbo Limbo Environmental Complex, an environmental education center. In addition to the sea tanks, butterfly garden and boardwalk trail through the hammocks complete with an observation tower, Gumbo Limbo also houses a research facility run by FAU where students study coral reefs, sea turtles, sharks, sea grass and other marine-related subjects. If the residents of Boca Raton would need to go through probate it would take place in the Palm Beach County probate court division. The probate court in Pal Beach County has a large number of cases, however, it is very user friendly to navigate through. They have several procedures that were put into place to allow the cases to be completed in a timely manner.

Boca Raton Estate Planning Lawyer Insights: Recent Federal & Florida Estate Planning Law Developments

As a leading Boca Raton probate lawyer, the Schoonover Law Firm is committed to keeping you informed about the latest developments in estate planning law. Here are some notable updates from 2022.
Despite concerted efforts by congressional Democrats last year, the Build Back Better bill did not pass. This bill, which included several proposed changes to income, gift, estate, and generation-skipping transfer taxes, was reintroduced by President Biden in his 2022 budget proposal. However, the chances of these changes being implemented this year seem slim due to various factors, including opposition from Congress, high inflation, ongoing COVID-19 infections, and global economic instability caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Despite these legislative hurdles, taxpayers should be aware that the clock is ticking on the favorable tax features of the 2017 Tax Act. These features, which have been in effect since 2018, are set to expire in 2026, reverting to less favorable tax laws. In the world of estate planning, this means that the current inflation-adjusted lifetime gift, estate, and GST tax exemptions will be halved in 2026.

As Boca Raton probate lawyers, we at the Schoonover Law Firm want to emphasize that advanced estate planning techniques take time to understand, analyze, and implement. The sooner these techniques are put into action, the greater the benefits. Delaying could lead to unexpected developments that rapidly alter the tax law landscape.
Florida has introduced a new law allowing married residents to create community property trusts. This law could be a valuable income tax avoidance technique for some couples. However, it’s important to discuss the pros and cons of this planning technique with a knowledgeable Boca Raton probate lawyer, such as those at the Schoonover Law Firm.
Another popular type of trust, the spousal lifetime access trust (SLAT), has been enhanced by a recent Florida law. This law protects a contingent reversionary interest in the trust for the settlor spouse from his or her creditors if the beneficiary spouse were to die first. However, it’s unclear whether this interest would avoid inclusion in the settlor spouse’s estate upon their death, potentially defeating the objective of consuming gift, estate, and GST tax exemptions with the trust’s funding.
Finally, a new Florida law has extended the rule against perpetuities period, which dictates how long a trust can exist, to a staggering 1,000 years for trusts created on or after July 1, 2022.

For more information on these and other estate planning topics, contact the Schoonover Law Firm, your trusted Boca Raton probate lawyer.

Estate Planning Services in Boca Raton

Key Services

Wills and Trusts

Ensure the seamless distribution of your assets according to your wishes with meticulously crafted wills and trusts. Yanitza Schoonover, serving the Boca Raton community, provides clarity and legal validity to your instructions, minimizing the potential for disputes.

Asset Protection

Safeguard your wealth for future generations through strategic asset protection. Yanitza employs legal tools and structures to shield your assets from potential creditors and taxation, ensuring a lasting legacy.

Probate and Estate Administration

Navigating the probate process can be daunting, but with Yanitza Schoonover by your side, it becomes a streamlined endeavor. We guide Boca Raton residents through estate administration, addressing complexities with efficiency and expertise.

Why Choose Yanitza Schoonover?

Experience and Expertise

With years of experience specializing in estate planning, Yanitza Schoonover brings a wealth of knowledge to every client in Boca Raton. Her expertise ensures that your estate plan is not only legally sound but also aligned with your goals.

Client-Centric Approach

At Yanitza Schoonover’s Estate Planning Services, clients in Boca Raton come first. We prioritize open communication, transparency, and a deep understanding of your needs, fostering a collaborative and comfortable environment for our local community.

Future-Forward Thinking

Estate planning is an investment in the future. Yanitza Schoonover, serving Boca Raton, adopts a forward-thinking approach, anticipating potential challenges and creating plans that stand the test of time.

Secure Your Legacy Today

Embark on the journey of estate planning with confidence in Boca Raton. Yanitza Schoonover is here to guide you through the process, providing legal expertise and a compassionate touch. Your legacy deserves the best protection, and that starts with a comprehensive estate plan crafted by Yanitza Schoonover, your trusted estate planning attorney. Contact us today to schedule your personalized consultation and take the first step toward securing your future in Boca Raton.

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